Résultats de recherche

Nous avons trouvé 12 offres d'emploi pour le mot clé education

Principal at Theresa C. Wildcat Early Learning Centre

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The Principal will demonstrate exemplary interpersonal skills, provide visionary leadership, and have teaching experience in early childhood education. As a leader in the organization, the Principal will model the intent of the Maskwacis Declaration on Education and the core values of Îyin&ici...


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Visiting the various centres on a regular basis is also part of the educational counsellor’s tasks. ...

$250/hour Paid Market Research Study for Alumni Relations Survey Specialists in the Education Sector

5/3/2024 - Ivy Exec - null, null, ca
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For this study we are looking for professionals working in higher education industry to talk about education analytics tools and technologies used in their organizations. Participation requirements: Job titles: Professor, Instructor, Director of Institutional Research, Associate Director of Institut...

Special Education Specialist

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Assist students from moving from one location to another, ensure well-being, hygiene, and safety according to the instructions received in keeping with the individualized education plan. ...

Éducation préscolaire et enseignement primaire

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Tu veux joindre une équipe dynamique et passionnée par la RÉUSSITE SCOLAIRE des jeunes? C'est ta chance ! Deviens TUTEUR SCOLAIRE chez la plus grande entreprise de tutorat au Québec.Tutorat Pro est une entreprise québécoise spécialisée dans le tutorat et les cours privés pour les élèves de niveau pr...

Technicien ou technicienne en administration

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TECHNICIEN OU TECHNICIENNE EN ADMINISTRATION COLLECTO SERVICES REGROUPÉS EN ÉDUCATION .BUREAU DE QUÉBEC OU MONTRÉAL EN MODE HYBRIDE) .Collecto, services regroupés en éducation, est une corporation à but non lucratif qui a pour mission de favoriser la mise en commun de services et de mettre à profit ...

$250/hour Paid Market Research Study for Professors in the Education Sector

4/24/2024 - Ivy Exec - null, null, ca
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Market research studies are paid engagements Ivy Exec conducts with clients to get feedback on certain topics.For this study we are looking for.Professor, Instructor, Director of Institutional Research, Associate Director of Institutional Research, Survey Research Specialist, Alumni Relations Survey...

$250/hour Paid Market Research Study for Student Experience Specialists in the Education Sector

4/24/2024 - Ivy Exec - null, null, ca
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Market research studies are paid engagements Ivy Exec conducts with clients to get feedback on certain topics.For this study we are looking for.Professor, Instructor, Director of Institutional Research, Associate Director of Institutional Research, Survey Research Specialist, Alumni Relations Survey...

$250/hour Paid Market Research Study for Assos. Directors of Inst. Research in the Education Sector

4/24/2024 - Ivy Exec - null, null, ca
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Market research studies are paid engagements Ivy Exec conducts with clients to get feedback on certain topics.For this study we are looking for.Professor, Instructor, Director of Institutional Research, Associate Director of Institutional Research, Survey Research Specialist, Alumni Relations Survey...


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Le rôle du tuteur(trice) est crucial dans l’accompagnement des apprenants dans l'assimilation des compétences couvertes par son cours, qu'elles soient théoriques, pratiques ou comportementales.Il enrichit l'expérience d'apprentissage en apportant une dimension pratique aux concepts théoriques explor...

Gestionnaire Usine / Plant Controller - Dorval

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Poste : Gestionnaire d’Usine – Dorval Vous êtes à la recherche d’un emploi intéressant et motivant dans le domaine de l’aviation ? Cortex est...