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Nous avons trouvé 10 offres d'emploi pour la localisation Blainville, QC, Canada

Marketing & Branding Specialist

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We are a diverse group of talented people committed to creating solutions to problems and making the world a better place.We enhance and deliver both mechanical and electrified solutions that bring efficiency and sustainability to new heights.Founded in 1979, Litens has a proud history of being an i...

Maximo Functional Consultant

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Convert business requirements into technical requirements and act as an interface between end users and Maximo consultants.Work with Maximo technical lead and Maximo subject matter experts to ensure smooth delivery of various functionalities.Lead discussions regarding understanding of business proce...

Conseiller en sécurité financière/Conseillère en sécurité financière

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DEVENEZ CONSEILLER/CONSEILLÈRE EN SÉCURITÉ FINANCIÈRE.Vous êtes entrepreneur dans l’âme? Vous aimez le travail d’équipe, l’entraide, et avez de la facilité à communiquer avec les autres?.Nous sommes à la recherche de personnes proactives et rigoureuses qui aimeraient entreprendre une carrière en tan...

Service Delivery Specialist

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Service delivery Manger with proficiency in both French and English language communication .Should also have hands-on expertise in AS400 or C++ ....

Conseiller(ère) Réseau - Telecom

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NEVERHACK est une compagnie en pleine croissance.Nos experts à travers le monde nous permettent de répondre aux besoins de nombreuses compagnies dans le domaine bancaire, défense, aéronautique, des transports et télécommunications.Implantée à Montréal depuis 2020, NEVERHACK délivre ses expertises da...


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Specialized in fixed income securities, Casgrain & Company Limited is the largest Canadian non-bank-owned .Casgrain, founded in 1947, operates in the North American financial markets.Casgrain & Company Limited is an equal opportunity employer.We are committed to attracting, hiring, and retaining tal...

Coordinateur production/Coordinatrice production

5/14/2024 - Evlv - Montreal, Quebec, ca
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Coordinateur de la production/Coordinateur des importations.Du lundi au vendredi ; sur place, hybride.Ce poste n'est ouvert qu'aux résidents du Canada qui disposent d'une autorisation de travail légale.Evlv (qui signifie Evolve) est une firme d'acquisition de talents basée à Montréal qui se spéciali...

Sales Consultant

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This position is responsible for helping the customer succeed while achieving specific team and individual sales and profit goals set by the company.Individuals in this position will provide an exceptional level of business to business (B2B) sales consultation, account management, customer service, ...

Marketing Outreach Coordinator

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Digital Marketing Outreach - 40%.Assist in managing digital (social and email) marketing campaigns, from content creation to scheduling campaigns.Analyze metrics from digital campaigns and categorize captured leads as hot, warm or cold based on their activity.Leverage CRM to create targeted digital ...

Regional Commercial Development Americas

5/14/2024 - HBX Group - null, null, ca
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Responsible for ensuring the Regional Commercial team is best positioned to deliver on its business objectives and bring value to clients and suppliers by establishing clear strategic priorities, driving execution effectiveness, and spearheading innovation across and between teams.This role will be ...